5 Ways to Use Caffeine for Maximum Performance
Whether you want to take a HIIT class to the next level or increase your stamina on a run, all walks of active people have used caffeine to enhance performance. Some caffeine effects include helping boost energy and increase
What Are Blood Sugar Spikes and Why Are They Bad?
If you’ve ever experienced a quick surge and subsequent crash after consuming sugary foods, you have a basic understanding of glucose spikes. But the acute effects from a momentary surge in blood sugar are minor compared wi
What Should You Eat During a Hard Endurance Event?
One of the perks of being a serious endurance athlete is that you can pork out with impunity. All of that training burns major calories, which is why you can do real damage to all-you-can-eat buffets. In fact, sometimes it mi
Is Monk Fruit Healthier Than Other Sweeteners?
If you’re trying to cut sugar from your diet for whatever reason — blood sugar management, weight loss, a ketogenic diet — there is an ever-expanding array of sugar substitutes to choose from. Monk fruit sweetener stand